San Juan's Finest

June 29, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

San Juan's finest Pictured above are two of San Juan's finest from the police department. Safety was definitely a concern for us when considering our vacation, but as we got to know the city and our area a lot better, we found that there was always a police presence nearby. I can honestly say that I spotted a cop or two each day we went out, so there was never a fear about crime or trouble the entire time we were in San Juan. Still, most major cities contain less-than-desirable spots that tourists need to stay clear of, but people should always be aware of their surroundings at all times and steer clear of dangerous areas.


While chatting with these two police officers, I found out that most tourist areas, such as Old San Juan, and the nearby beaches tend to have a good number of police units out. The female officer told me that, although San Juan is typically safe for all visitors, there are still crimes that involve mugging, theft, and assault on non-locals which frequently occur at night. Also, the majority of the victims are women who have gone out by themselves or are alone at certain parts of the city. Basically, it all boils down to common sense; if you're going to go out in an unfamiliar city, make sure you do it with a friend or research the location of where you're going to. Even though San Juan has a pretty decent police force patrolling the area, they can't be everywhere at once. These two officers were pretty easygoing and helpful, so I was glad to be able to get their shots and talk with them a bit.


I also have to note that most of the police we saw in San Juan were incredibly fit specimens. The few we spotted in Old San Juan were exceptionally muscular and somewhat intimidating, but then again, I'm guessing they like to place the best looking ones where all the tourists gather. However, if I was a criminal, I certainly wouldn't want to be manhandled or tackled by one of them. Well, that depends on their looks...


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